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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about eight note plastic tubing equipment maintenance

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic pipe production line, as a kind of one of the most common type of plastic machinery, need to be regular maintenance and maintenance, the maintenance and maintenance also should according to certain rules, at the same time, according to the corresponding equipment to maintain the requirements of the relevant safety technical performance, this will benefit the operation of equipment, can effectively guarantee the largest safety equipment and personnel. Changshu well below da plastic products factory introduction of plastic pipe production line maintenance the eight points for attention.

1, the need to periodically check the plastic tubing equipment pipeline leakage and the status of the fastener tighten.

2, regularly check the reliability of the lubrication system, and in accordance with the relevant provisions to lubrication of plastic pipes in the moving parts, need to periodically check the lubrication pump fuel tank and the stand volume of oil tank is enough is enough.

3, check the safety device of the machine will work normally, especially after the replacement of plastic extrusion die to check whether mechanical insurance has made the corresponding adjustment.

4, regularly check the ground wire and the aging of the insulation of the electrical components and wiring.

5, regularly check the oil filter or packing, cleaning and replacement in time, need to pay attention to whether the oil contamination and deterioration. When the hydraulic oil into dark brown and let out a bad smell, is the performance of the hydraulic oil oxidation, hydraulic oil should be replaced as soon as possible; When the hydraulic oil has a small black dot or a transparent window, description have impurities or metal powder mixed with hydraulic oil, should be filtered or an oil change.

6, screw, cylinder and other important parts of maintenance shall be in accordance with specifications;

7, cooler, each work five & ndash; — 10 months with carbon tetrachloride solution soak cleaning;

8, according to the running time of plastic tubing equipment on a regular basis for several times for maintenance and repairs, cleaning, lubrication, adjustment, the collapse of the maintenance and repair and maintenance as the center content.
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