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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about four innovation of plastic material

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
About the innovation of the plastic material, including multiple aspects, mainly on the properties of plastic section using innovation, puts forward some ideas of design. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about plastic material of the four innovation!

the first to understand the existing product technology. Existing technology including product design principle, operational performance and related accessories, etc. Windows and doors curtain wall has its own performance, and in the implementation of performance when the way is different. We are to understand the existing technology, how to realize the use of performance, to master the principle. Open means, for example, there is a flat open, hanging on, hanging, hanging, translation, etc. , in the use of accessories with the hinge, slide, slide, hooks, etc. Its cooperate with the size of the data required to clear, if data change what can be affected. The installation of hardware fittings use way also determine the performance of Windows and doors curtain wall. Only master the technology now, will innovate its development, a solid foundation.

the second draw lessons from the related industry technology, study its design idea and train of thought. More advanced technology industries, will lead the whole society forward. Think that year a number of patented technology on the space shuttle into social production technology, the principle of the technology is mutually, the thinking of innovation can draw lessons from. Such as automobile, aircraft, air tightness is how to solve, could be used in the doors and Windows sealed. Now society is the innovation of society, there are many advanced technology used in various industries, we want to develop ideas, extensive study, open field of vision.

the third, from the perspective of the need to solve the problem, which is from the side of the problems, so easy. In reality, we may meet this or that problem, or the user feedback, or consumer complaints. They talk about the problem of the use of door window, can put forward their own views, some now see really cannot be implemented. But users wish is our efforts direction, the idea is the motivation. Most common wish is to improve the machining efficiency of doors and Windows, easy to use, improve air-tight performance, insulation performance, etc.

4 should have the spirit of the study. See a problem sometimes tour, sometimes asking why, how to understand. To treat problems of work style, we want to get into focus carefully study the new technology, to have the spirit of hard. Have the spirit of the study, can be repeated experiment and repeatedly, can find pleasure in the unceasing innovation, can go on the way of innovation.
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