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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about four kinds of extruder material solution

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Extruder, is one of the most commonly used mechanical equipment for processing plastic extruder at natural become a problem often encountered, changshu smoothly under da plastic products factory talk about four kinds of extruder cause of material and its solving method.

a, screw element

exhaust type screw with multistage design, this design as the atmospheric pressure, the advantage of vent material does not flow out. There is a vent screw extruder has 2 order, need 3 order has 2 vent screw.

every order have atmospheric pressure, compressed paragraphs and metering section, section 1 order for atmospheric pressure feeding section, the second order for atmospheric vent section, is the vent position.

for exhaust type extruder screw design has two main problems:

first, arrive in exhaust section, all materials must be fused, to volatile;

second, second order of the screw to send shoes must be greater than 1 order screw, so that the second order filled with spiral groove in the starting place, so you can keep the vent at atmospheric pressure. When the first order of the screw to send shoes is greater than 2 order screw, melt in extrusion machine reversal will occur.

the solution:

reduce 1 order send shoes or increase the order of 2 to send shoes.

2, process condition

to solve the most simple and rapid method of material is changing process conditions. Such as cooling, increase the friction along the steel cylinder and the screw and the shear stress and increase the viscosity of friction on the surface of the steel cylinder or to increase the transportation capacity.

the solution:

1 order send shoes can through the following several ways to reduce:

( 1) Rising steel cylinder 2 area and the temperature of the 3

( 2) Cooling screw first order

( 3) With starvation method feed

( 4) To regulate the temperature of the feed bin ( Repeated experiments required)

add 2 order send shoes can adopt the following methods:

( 1) To reduce the temperature of the second order steel cylinder

( 2) The higher the temperature of the second order screw
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