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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about how to distinguish the waste plastic and recycled plastic

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In the plastic products industry often come into contact with the waste plastic and recycled plastic, but for some customers we cannot distinguish them very well, so well da plastic products factory in changshu here to teach you how to distinguish the waste plastic and recycled plastic.

waste plastic is a formal statement is consumption after the plastic waste, after is refers to the consumption or use of waste plastic products. Plastic in the synthesis, processing, circulation also can produce waste, waste, the plastic waste, also known as plastic waste before consumption, although is within the scope of waste plastic but due to the volume is relatively small, and easy to recycle and recovery value general manufacturers can oneself so recycled and used in the production of plastic products. So we usually say that the waste plastic as long as is refers to the plastic after consumption of plastic waste. The recycled plastic is for plastic recycling, through machinery blade grinding operation after complete plastic to use again.

waste plastic is plastic products directly to ground into a powder or granular, what still can identify the material.

and recycled plastic is recycled don't know how many times, can no longer be accurately distinguish what is the material of plastic, can only be graded according to its cycles don't, for example, from the least amount of premium, level, level 2 and so on.
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