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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about plastic material color difference solution

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In plastic material production process, when the basic conditions, such as plastic raw materials and plastic extrusion mould no change, if the plastic material of plasticizing period and homogenization temperature of 5 ℃ or so, the yellowing tendency of plastic material, also suggests that the thermal stability of plastic material is inefficient, should increase in the volume of heat stabilizer to be joined, especially plastic material are formulated the whitening agents such as fluorescent whitening agent, insufficient heat stabilizer, whitening effect is not obvious. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about plastic material color difference solution.

solve plastic material colour difference, single method is not ideal processing problems, such as plastic material color difference from the following four aspects of overall consideration, solve up more quickly:

1, lower processing temperature than lower processing temperature the color white;

2, pure in the composite stabilizer increased effect than single lead salt compound stabilizer effect is good.

3, simply add stabilizer and than choose of stabilizer, and selects the whitening masterbatch or high whiteness packing, increasing the effect of titanium dioxide fast;

4, add pure titanium dioxide then some modest increase in lubricant effect is better. Generally considered low molecular substances have a plasticizing effect on polymer, mechanism is one of the interaction between molecules and small molecules instead of the interaction between macromolecules, which makes large molecules polymer chain segment motion is much easier.
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