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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about plastic tubing common problems and solutions

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic pipe production line in the process of production inevitably there will be some fault, changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about plastic tubing under common failures and solutions!

for example: plastic tubing outside rough surface is not smooth, timely adjust the process temperature; Pipe wall thickness is not uniform, adjust the wall thickness in the mold; The trench pipe inner surface, check whether the tube is water, reduce the internal temperature of the mold; External surface of the plastic pipe in the trench, adjust sizing set of water pressure, water yield requires equilibrium; Pipeline internal jitter ring, adjust sizing set out of the water, the water evenly; Without the vacuum, check whether the vacuum pump inlet is blocked; Cutting length is not accurate, check pressure meter long wheel, etc, must be more to find, view and handle in time.

plastic pipe production line to produce the plastic tubing have common problems: one is the impact resistance is poorer, even 10 times, all broken. Second, the tensile strength and toughness is bad, often characterized by brittle, low elongation and prone to fracture. Three is softening temperature is low, easy to meet the thermal deformation, reduces the impact resistance of tubing, the tensile strength and toughness.

for plastic pipe material, the production should be in fertilizer, ratio of raw materials, production process, and pay more attention to and input in the production equipment.
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