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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PP and PVC plastic plate difference

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP plastic board, PVC plastic sheet is in our life in many industries are indispensable materials, so the use of PVC plastic board or is PP plastic board for people will carry out a comparison, then the difference by comparing these two kinds of materials which have more advantages? Changshu well below da plastic products factory to compare for you!

PP plastic sheet and PVC plastic sheet differ both comparisons: we all know that the PP plastic plate the degree of resistance to acid and alkali, temperature, and the application scope and PVC.

a, the degree of acid and alkali resistant, resistant to acid and alkali of PVC degree than PP board will be better, but more brittle and hard texture, resistance to ultraviolet radiation, climate change can be through the live for a long time, non-flammable, light toxicity. But the PP board is not uv protection, sunshine for a long time will change color.

2, temperature difference:

1, domestic; Temperature field of PP is about 0 to 80 degrees Celsius, the PVC range is 0 to 60 degrees Celsius, CPVC is the scope of this kind of material of bearing temperature - 40 to 95 degrees Celsius.

2, imported German & other; New merlot & throughout; Brand: PP temperature field is about 0 to 100 degrees Celsius, PVC bearing temperature range is - 40 to 95 degrees Celsius.

3, scope of application:

1, the PP board is mainly used in the acid and alkali resistant equipment, environmental equipment, waste water, emissions equipment, washing tower, clean room, the semi conductor factory and related industrial equipment, including PP thick plate is widely used in drawing, punching plate, etc.

2, PVC plate is made of PVC as a raw material section honeycomb plate mesh structure. PVC sheet plate is mainly used in building materials, packaging, medicine, and many other industries. Such as architecture, plating equipment, acid and alkali resistant equipment, industrial sewage, chemical industry, etc. PVC can be divided into according to the degree of hard and soft and hard PVC soft PVC.
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