CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PP plastic pipe extrusion molding matters needing attention

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP plastic pipe forming the basis of the production quality is associated with many conditions, PP plastic pipe extrusion production should pay attention to proper control. The following works of plastic extrusion factory in changshu PP plastic pipe extrusion molding and you talk about the matters needing attention.

  1. To improve the aging resistance of PP plastic tubing for PP plastic to add antioxidant in the polymerization process, application of PP plastic work outdoors should add ultraviolet absorbent resin.

  2. Pay attention to the PP plastic melting temperature control, should be smooth, small fluctuations.

  3. Legal diameter tube embryos formed by internal pressure when the pressure of compressed air control in 0. 02 ~ 0. 5 mpa range; Using general vacuum degree in vacuum sizing - 0. 09 - - 0. 6 mpa range.

  4. Note tube embryos extrusion speed and traction speed relations during the mold opening, general tractor traction after heating pipe after the speed faster than the speed of tube embryos extrusion mold mouth when 1 ~ 5%.

  5. PP plastic pipe extrusion molding should try to adopt vacuum sizing method, this method of production of sizing pipe forming quality is guaranteed. Sizing set is about 4 times the diameter of the plastic tubing.
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