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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PP plastic pipe material handling four considerations

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP plastic tubing in handling work, must pay attention to avoid because caused by improper handling or storing P P plastic pipe, the phenomenon of the damage, thus forming the PP plastic tubing damage, affect the service life of the PP plastic pipe material and the quality of the construction. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about PP plastic pipe material handling four precautions:

1, avoid oil pollution. When we handle PP pipe to avoid the oil polluted the PP plastic pipe material, because if the oil on the PP pipe will be very difficult to clean up;

2, avoid the use of wire rope and other excellent goods strapping PP plastic pipe material, because this kind of binder is very easily lead to PP pipe, the phenomenon of the injured;

3, pay attention to the P P plastic pipe shall not long time exposure to the sun, because it is very easy to cause the PP plastic pipe heat, resulting in fire;

4, when mobile PP plastic pipe material, we want to avoid the phenomenon of collision between PP plastic tubing, otherwise it will cause PP plastic tubing damage.
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