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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic construction procedure

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic board for everyone is familiar, now a lot of PVC plastic sheet are widely used, we all know that the PVC plastic sheet looks very good, so have you ever thought of PVC plastic board construction procedure? Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic construction procedure.

the first point is the size and shape of the base frame should be based on design patterns, and plastic board size to determine the size of the room.

the second point is from the middle of the room to the points around the spring line, to ensure the symmetry of the compartment. Rely on a wall around the place is not enough room can press edge processing.

should be taken before the third point is paste on the ground line, according to design the frame size frame size should not be commonly more than 90 cm. Around the room or column root bullet line, take not less than 12 cm width. To be the time in paste plastic skirting board edge.

fourth is coated adhesive stickers will lay a good soft PVC floor open, the special adhesive according to the dosage of two-thirds fall on the grassroots and soft plastic paste, enclosed with a scrub brush or toothed plate ( Unfavorable use brush) Vertical and horizontal surface evenly, after 3 to 4 minutes remaining one-third adhesive solution on besmear to brush and paste at the grassroots level in the same way.

the fifth is: wax treatment before commissioning, to wax the floor surface, in order to increase the brightness of the floor.
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