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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic mechanical processing color four kinds of solutions

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In PVC plastic mechanical processing and its application, are likely to produce hot light oxidation reaction, polymer molecules under heat and pressure, and by the trace water and acid, alkali and other impurities and oxidation in the air, and the molecular weight of reducing and macromolecular structure change. This chemical change was called degradation, its performance is intuitive surface yellowing, and gradually disappear, serious even in gray. Plastic material discoloration may lead to customer for PVC material to produce a doubt, it have very serious consequences. Changshu well below da plastic products factory to introduce PVC plastic mechanical processing color and the four schemes whitening!

to solve the color difference, single method can not ideal processing problems, such as from the following four aspects of the overall consideration, it will be more fast and some:

1, lower processing temperature than lower processing temperature will get some white color;

2, in a composite stabilizer effect than pure with single lead salt in increasing the effect of the compound stabilizer;

3, simply add stabilizer part would be better to choose of stabilizer, and then selects the whitening masterbatch or high whiteness fillers, increase the effect of titanium dioxide fast;

add 4, pure titanium white, then some modest increase in the effect of the lubricant is better. Normally we think of low molecular substances for polymer has some plasticizing effect, one of the mechanism is one of the interaction between molecules and small molecules in place of an interaction between macromolecules, making the macromolecular chain segment motion more easily.
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