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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic pipe and PPR plastic pipes how to distinguish

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Now plastic tubing is varied, such as PVC plastic pipe and PPR plastic pipes, changshu smoothly reach below the diversified plastic products factory to share the PVC plastic pipe and PPR plastic pipes how to distinguish.

from both the internal composition of the difference in the first place. The components of PVC plastic pipe material is rigid poly (vinyl record, has the acid and alkali, wear resistance and good electrical insulation. The main composition of PPR plastic pipes is 3 c polyethylene, main characteristic is stable performance, heat insulation, corrosion resistance, long service life, etc.

PPR plastic pipes and PVC plastic pipe material on purpose also has the very big difference. PPR pipe commonly used in the family horzontally, tube can be divided into cold water pipe and heat pipe. Marked with the blue line is the cold tube, red line is the heat pipe, the water supply pipe wall is compared commonly thick. General application of PVC pipe for building drainage pipe, the diameter of the apertures is large, generally between 50 mm to 160 mm, but its pipe wall thickness is small.

PPR plastic pipes and PVC plastic pipe material simple identification method: 1, the surface of PVC plastic pipe material is not very smooth, PPR tube than the PVC GuanPing the whole smooth surface. 2, in fact, the hardness of PVC, flexibility is bad, you can threw two pipe on the ground at the same time, this is you will find two phenomena, a broken pipe, another tube is in good condition, breaking the PVC pipe, another is the PPR pipes. Another way is you can use the sharp object on the PVC and PPR pipe, at the same time hard can easily swiping is PVC pipe. Soft, it is not easy to row is the PPR pipe. 3, the first three kind of method is you in the fire burning at the same time the two pipe, PPR is white smoke from, PVC is black smoke.
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