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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic pipe material producing method

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic pipe as an important part of chemical building materials, with its superior performance, health, environmental protection, low consumption and widely accepted by the masses of users! PVC plastic pipe material is one of the outstanding person, how to produce PVC plastic pipe material are made of? Changshu well below da plastic products factory brief introduction for you, hope to help you!

the making craft of PVC plastic pipe material method according to the acquiring method of vinyl chloride monomer to differentiate, can be divided into calcium carbide method, ethylene method and imports ( EDC、VCM) Method of monomer, customarily called ethylene teaching method and the import monomer ethylene method.

PVC plastic pipe material calcium carbide method, calcium carbide is the main raw material, coal and crude salt.

ethylene method of PVC plastic pipe material, the main raw material is oil.

in the international market of PVC plastic pipe material production mainly ethylene method, and the domestic rich coal, inferior, less gas resources of objective conditions, is mainly composed of calcium carbide method.

although domestic PVC plastic pipe material production by calcium carbide method primarily, but tianjin dagu, Shanghai chlor-alkali, qilu petrochemical, ningbo Formosa plastics have advantage or foreign oil resources background of chemical enterprises are still using ethylene method as the main process technique of producing PVC square tube, the current domestic production of PVC by ethylene method square tube can also account for about 1/5 of the total market.
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