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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic pipe material six big installation steps

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic pipe installation mainly through applying adhesive bonding, compared with other pipes, installation is convenient, but the installation personnel tend to make detail because of the simple. Today, smooth da plastic products factory in changshu tell everybody about PVC plastic tubing six big installation steps.

step one, cutting

small diameter pipes can be done using special cutting scissors to cut pipe, large diameter of the pipe need to use cutting machine to cut, note, however, must be vertical cutting, if there is damage to the plastic pipe material, must start from 5 cm from damage in cutting, guaranteed to have a high-quality adhesive surface;

step 2, burrs,

cut to clean up after coarse, avoid obstacles when installation of plastic pipes and pipe fittings connection;

step three, surface

before daub glue, need to clean up dust and other contaminants on the surface of the plastic tubing.

step 4 and line

will try plastic tubing in them, and then good pen mark line;

step 5, apply adhesive

to use in PVC plastic pipe material is special adhesive to blot out, before the good line daub glue please don't qualify, to ban the use of ordinary adhesive, or you will late water pressure test, pipeline burst open, consequence is very serious;

step 6, connecting the fixed

with good adhesive, plastic pipe fixed flat on the ground waiting for adhesive have enough time to evaporate, but the evaporation of the summer and winter time is not the same, as follows:

keep time ( s) Summer 15 & ndash; — Thirty 30 - 60

winter 30 & ndash; — 60 60 - - 120
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