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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic profile faces three big challenges

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic material is a plastic material usage is larger in recent years, there is a very important position in many areas. But along with the continuous development of science and technology, with the research and development of new products, PVC plastic profile faces three big challenges, its monopoly position is facing collapse. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic profile faces three big challenges!

a: challenge has good performance of plastic material uniformity. New product development is rapid, than have some year of PVC plastic material, apparently a few new plastic effect more apparent and powerful formula, and also excels in performance, PVC plastic material, if don't want to be eliminated directly, need to focus on performance and development.

challenge 2: price advantage is no longer obvious. One of the advantages of PVC plastic material is cheaper, but the advantage is easy to be replaced. There are a number of new plastic are in the market now has the same quality have more cheap price, has a certain impact on PVC plastic material.

challenge 3: innovative enough. We can see plastic material at present are limited in the production of some pattern, in this case, it is easy to cause the PVC plastic material not timely updating and innovation in the market, it will slowly lose their competitiveness.

the challenge is the opportunity, PVC plastic material has challenges also has more opportunities.
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