CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic sheet forming four big characteristics

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PVC plastic sheet are made from PVC as the raw material of the cross section for the honeycomb mesh structure of the plastic sheet. PVC plastic sheet is a kind of vacuum suction plastic film, used for all kinds of panel surface layer of packaging, so also known as decorative film, with film, used in building materials, packaging, medicine, and many other industries. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about PVC plastic sheet forming four features:

1, amorphous material, moisture absorption, liquidity is poor. In order to improve the liquidity, prevent bubbles and plastic can be dry in advance. Mould gating system should be short, the appropriate gate section, can not have a corner, the mold must be cooled, chrome plated surface;

2, due to its corrosion resistance and liquidity characteristics, had better use special equipment and mold. All products must be according to the need to join different kinds and quantities of additives;

3, easy to decompose, and steel under temperature of 200 degrees. Copper contact more decomposition, corrosion, excitant gas to escape while PVC plastic decomposition, molding temperature range is small;

4, adopts screw injection machine nozzle, the diameter should be large, in case the corner stagnation expected, very not with insert.
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