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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about PVC waterproofing construction process of four

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Can be used in our life a lot of plastic, the plastic sheet the variety of different types of plastic sheet has the function of each different plastic has different characteristics and USES. PVC waterproofing materials are one of its many plastic sheet, do you know about PVC waterproofing materials, know PVC waterproofing materials have what construction points for attention, and changshu went well below da plastic products factory is to know about the PVC waterproofing construction process should pay attention to the four major matters!

PVC waterproof coiled material is a kind of thermoplastic PVC plastic coil, plastic coil based on polyester fabric as reinforcement, through the special extruder extrusion coating method, process, make double PVC plastic layer and in the middle of the polyester stiffeners combination become one formed by polymer coil. Formula advanced PVC plastic layer combined with mesh structure of polyester fiber fabric, PVC coil have excellent dimensional stability and low thermal expansion coefficient. Improve PVC coil directly exposed to the long-term performance of the natural environment. We are in the process of PVC waterproofing construction should pay attention to the following four points for attention.

the first is the shop is stuck PVC waterproofing materials, processing should be paid attention to the environment temperature, coil temperature should be in - use More than 5 ℃. By using full glue processing production, coil temperature can only be more than 5 ℃.

the second is the shop is stuck PVC waterproofing materials, special parts should do additional layer.

3 it is to pay attention to the construction protection, construction before the end of the coil should be temporary fixed, lest by the wind.

finally is PVC waterproof coiled material waterproof layer construction shall be carried out at the end of working procedure, may not cross the construction. If you need install equipment in the laying good waterproof coiled material roofing, additional layer should be done based on extrusion machine equipment parts processing, if you need to cover house high on the waterproof layer type, go through to the rear of the acceptance of the waterproof layer.

that is related to PVC waterproofing materials in construction process should pay attention to some things, I believe you through the above introduction should know something about the, hope above could be of any help to you.
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