CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about the development trend of plastic injection mould

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic injection mould for forming a class of continuous shaped plastic products mold, also called extrusion molding nose, used to make plastic special-shaped material, plastic sheet, plastic processing. With the development of the society, the progress of science and technology, plastic extrusion mould a new trend of development, the following changshu da plastic products factory talk smoothly under the development trend of plastic injection mould!

plastic extrusion die in the future development trend of the development of a is: the first is fast changing mould, is in the shortest possible time to complete the die and extrusion host connection or remove, and finalize the design system and finalize the design units, fixed connection, adjustment, water pipe joint connection or remove, etc, as less as possible take effective production time. Realize the fast changing mould, both must be considered in the equipment structure design, one must do it in the mold structure design, standardization aspects to be improved. Second is to should be in the shortest possible time endogenous production of qualified products and achieve stable production, to improve the yield of profile plays an important role. Three is the production in the shortest possible time to complete the mold after cleaning maintenance work, so that the next production. The last is fast.
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