CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about the main factors influencing the plasticizing quality

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
In the use of plastic melt in extrusion machining is plasticizing effect after extrusion processing plastic material performance, one of the key factors which affect the quality of plasticizing are the main factors are: length to diameter ratio, compression ratio, back pressure, screw speed, barrel temperature, etc. The following works of plastic extrusion factory in changshu to talk about the main factors that influences the quality of plasticizing.

  1. Length to diameter ratio:

a. Length to diameter ratio is uniform feed;

  b. Thermal stability good plastic can use a longer screw mixing sex without burning, to improve the thermal stability of plastic, choose a shorter screw or end of a screw thread.

  2. Compression ratio:

a. The appropriate compression ratio can increase the compactness of plastic, help to eliminate the air;

  b. Compression ratio, the higher the plastic plasticizing process in the cylinder of the function of the higher the temperature, the plastic plasticizing more uniform;

  c. High compression ratio suitable for difficult to melt the plastic, low 圧 shrinkage ratio suitable for fusible plastics.

  3. Back pressure:

a. Increasing back pressure can increase the screw on the work done, molten resin not eliminate molten plastic particles, increase cylinder material compactness and uniformity.

  b. Back pressure can be used to improve the temperature of the material, its effect is the most significant.

  c. High back pressure is too large heat-sensitive plastic easy decomposition, low viscosity of the plastic may produce salivate phenomenon, but low back pressure plastic products may have bubbles.

  4. The screw rotation speed:

a. Small screw screw groove shallow, fast heat, can make the plastic in compressed within the period of rapid softening, the friction between the screw and material are compared. in heat low, suitable for high speed rotating, increase plasticizing capability.

  b. Large screw is unfavorable use high speed one fuwa uneven and cause excessive friction heat.

  c. For high plastic, the screw rotation speed is too large plastic will be easy to decompose.

  d. Usually the size of the screw has certain speed range, low not melt plastics, is too high, light plastic burning.

  5. Heating temperature setting: heating temperature is 5 ~ 10 degrees lower than the plastic melting temperature.
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