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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory talk about three main factors affect the quality of plastic injection mould

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Extrusion die in the manufacturing process, the steps for each production factors, make it later in the use of the production quality and service life are affected. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about factors affecting plastic extrusion mold production quality three.

  1. The pros and cons of casting material. Due to the need of long-term operation under high temperature and high pressure environment, heat resistant abrasion resistance and toughness of the requirements for extrusion die is extremely high, the traditional extrusion mold used by 3 cr2w8v steel mold is because of the shortcomings of low toughness can't heat, being good high temperature resistance and abrasion resistance of 4 cr5mosiv replaced steel mold, and according to real data statistics, 4 cr5mosiv steel mould service life than traditional die out two to four times.

  2. Quenching process optimization. Quenching process from production to mould preheating, extrusion die early control mold internal microscopic is insufficient, is for the pretreatment of the quenching process, after high temperature quenching and oil quenching cooling two to two and a half hours, to temper the workpiece processing, use the technique of rising up heated evenly, remove the internal stress of quenching generated. Each of these steps need to be implemented correctly, strict control to ensure the service life of mould.

  3. The reasonable design of extrusion die. Mold design scheme is reasonable, and using the standard mold structure, design conforms to the mould manufacturing feasibility and manufacturability. Design of extrusion die is an important step to improve the quality of life and production, and work together with purchasing department and technology department, to complete the reusability of mould structure, mould parts of quality and technical specification of machinability.

on improving the quality of extrusion mould production, every working procedure must consider the quality of mold, the impact of each link of the production department are strictly implemented in place, can we truly achieve the own value of the enterprise in the mold industry.
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