CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory to talk about how to choose plastic extrusion die

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion die is a dedicated to the production of a large number of products mold, it can be made to produce a variety of materials, at the same time with the mold fast, forming a good characteristic, but in the choose and buy this kind of mould, we also have many need to pay special attention to, the following changshu smooth plastic products factory and everyone simply to say how to find a good place to buy plastic injection mould.

we must pay attention to the above all is for the choice of a thickness of plastic extrusion die, though not the thick plastic extrusion die represents the better quality, but if too thin plastic injection mould, that needless to say, the quality is certainly not durable, plastic extrusion die this stuff every production will support a extrusion, a thin service life will be shorter.

and furthermore, we also need to pay attention to the plastics extrusion mould itself a material problem, the material of it will affect many aspects, such as the material is environmental protection, health is very important, we should pay attention to up the material of plastic injection mould should be no volatile, no irritation, otherwise easy to produce the material between malignant pollution.

and the quality of the materials will not only affect the health problems, but also has a great influence on produced products, such as some material not pass, using extrusion deformation after a few times slowly.

so pick a good plastic injection mould is very important.
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