CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory to talk about the classification of plastic tubing

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic tubing is compounded high-tech chemical building materials, chemical building materials and is after steel, wood, cement, contemporary emerging fourth categories of new building materials. Plastic pipes for water loss of small, energy saving, material saving and ecological protection, completion is convenient wait for an advantage, widely used in building water supply and drainage, urban water supply and drainage and gas pipe, and other fields, become the main force of urban construction in the new century network. Changshu well below da plastic products factory about the classification of the plastic pipe material!

plastic plastic tubing according to different pipe material, construction of plastic pipe can be divided into PVC pipe, chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene pipe, cross-linked polyethylene pipe, etc. The ABS plastic pipe are outstanding in plastic pipe material, ABS plastic tubing for 1/7 of the steel to reduce the structure weight than quantity; Fluid resistance is small; Chemical performance is stable, sealed performance is good; Plastic tubing to reduce the consumption of raw materials, reduce the labor intensity of artificial, and greatly saves the project investment, convenient construction, good effect, fast curing speed, high bonding strength, avoids the general pipeline run risk of dripping phenomenon. ABS plastic pipe in indoor generally available for decades, such as underground or last longer in the water. ABS plastic pipe can be used in the pharmaceutical and food industries, don't change the water quality, no second pollution formed.
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