CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory to talk about the three major factors affecting the quality of plastic injection mould

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
On the improve the quality of production of plastic extrusion die, every working procedure must consider the quality of mold, the impact of every detail in place, can we truly achieve the own value of the enterprise in the mold industry. So what are the influencing factors on the quality of the plastic extrusion die? Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about the three major factors affecting the quality of plastic injection mould.

the three major factors affecting the quality of plastic extrusion die:

the first plastic extrusion die design for scientific and reasonable, for technical researchers, if you want to put the things design products that meet the market demand now, must be reasonable design, using the standard mold structure, complete the reusability of mould structure, mould parts of quality and technical specification of machinability.

the second choose good casting material, material quality directly affects the quality of the plastic injection mould, choose good performance, good heat resistance materials is very important, so it's best to produce a product.

the third perfect quenching process for plastic injection mould, the quenching process is cannot little, hardening steps to correct operation, if a step wrong operation, will produce mould appear quality problem, cause extrusion mould cannot be used or shorten service life.
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