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Changshu smoothly for plastic processing factory waterproof plastic welding technique

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Because plastic plate in different industries play a certain role, so need to meet the needs of different industries in performance, this kind of plank tend to have certain waterproof performance, in the industry of waterproof demand need to pay attention to certain installation steps and matters needing attention, conform to the requirements of the plastic sheet welding installation, to the best of the waterproof performance advantages. Changshu well below da plastic processing factory waterproof plastic welding technique.

waterproof plastic plate installation, the key procedure is joint welding way is used for the general construction, on the surface of the plastic plate is connected to melt after heat treatment, fully integrated into an organic whole, by pressure to achieve waterproof effect. In the welding and matters need to pay attention to the following aspects.

in the first place to two pieces of plastic welding seams of the adjusted, make its have certain width of the lap, lap width as in 6 & ndash; — Between 8 ㎝, requires no fold level off is smooth.

waterproof plastic laying is completed, require seams edge may not have any residual material such as dust, oil and water damage.

it is best to use when welding professional welding equipment for installation construction.
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