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Changshu smoothly for plastic processing plants, the author analyzes the reasons of plastic extruding machine price difference

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion machine manufacturers offer is different, so what lead to the same type of equipment price difference? Changshu well below da plastic processing plants, the author analyzes the reasons of plastic extruding machine price difference.

some manufacturer price difference is very big, we in the plastic extruder production on all details of their cost accounting can find a lot of times equipment price difference is that the configuration of the high and low. Also a type of equipment, the details of the difference is very big.

first said relatively important in the whole plastic extruding machine equipment parts, materials and design principle of the screw barrel screw and screw production process can be directly affects the production cost of the equipment. A powerful manufacturer has its own screw design drawings, specific set. According to the stand or fall of equipment production product raw material material and product performance to design the screw threads of the screw torque, thread depth and screw parameters such as length to diameter ratio.

then affect the price of plastic extruder is equipment brand and producing area. Everyone knows plastic extruder is production equipment, equipment brand effect is real, because a lot of big brands are all through the strict test of the market and survive and development, so & other; Brand & throughout; Equipment price is much higher for sure.

the last is the home of the plastic extrusion machine equipment, the production cost of equipment in different regions are different, both factories such as space cost and labor costs in cities and suburbs below the factory used the difference is very big.
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