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Changshu smoothly for plastic products factory about the PP plastic sheet choose skills!

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
PP plastic sheet when the choice of method is a lot of choices to choose carefully. PP plastic board now is more common in our life, we are in the actual selection according to the properties of the PP plastic sheet, when you need to choose good quality plastic board, the best play a variety of performance of the PP plastic board, to ensure the normal use of PP plastic sheet. PP plastic board has now started in many industries a wide range of development, will be more wide development in the future. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about PP plastic sheet choose skills!

PP plastic sheet is a new type of plastic sheet, it has light smooth, uniform thickness, smooth surface, good heat resistance, high mechanical strength, good chemical stability and electrical insulation, non-toxic, etc. PP plastic sheet basically divided into pure PP plastic, polypropylene PP sheet extrusion and glass fiber reinforced PP plastic sheet three categories.

PP plastic sheet when choosing to pay attention to observe PP plastic board gloss, generally poor gloss plates are made of recycled plastic. There is pure raw material PP plastic toughness is wonderful, can slightly curved, easy to fracture of the PP board material is not pure. Observe PP plastic board cut surface, generally renewable PP plastic plate after cutting inside can have different colors of sundries. Then there is the density of polypropylene is 0. 92 - — 0. 93, floating on the surface of PP plastic sheet of raw material for polypropylene, if sink to the bottom of PP plastic sheet material is not pure. And is made from recycled plastic PP plastic sheet welding will have a smoke, light transmittance is also very poor.
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