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Changshu smoothly for plastic products factory talk about double screw plastic extruder structure principle

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
For the basic mechanism of plastic extruder extrusion process, is simply a screw rotating in the cylinder and the plastic to push forward. Plastic extruder screw structure is a slope or the slope above the coil in the center, its purpose is to increase the pressure in order to overcome the resistance of the larger. Changshu well below da plastic products factory talk about double screw plastic extruder structure principle.

there are three plastic extruding machine work all obstacles to overcome: one is the friction force: it contains solid particles ( Feed) Of wall friction and screw rotation (several times before Feed zone) The friction between their two; Second, the plastic melt in the wall on the adhesion; 3 it is plastic melt resistance is push forward its internal logistics.

according to Newton's theorem, if an object at rest on a direction, then the objects in this direction is in a state of force equilibrium balance. For weeks to the movement of the screw, it is no axial movement, that is to say, the axial force on the plastic extruder screw in balance. So if the plastic melt screw under a large thrust forward, then it to another object at the same time imposed a same size but same direction thrust back. Obviously screw applied thrust is effect on the inlet at the back of the thrust bearing. Most of the single screw plastic extruder is a right hand thread, if seen from behind, they are reverse rotation, they through the rotation movement backward spin out of the barrel. In some of the twin screw extruder, plastic extrusion machine double screw reverse rotation in two cylinder and cross each other, so must be a right to a left-hand, for bite twin screw, two screw in the same direction, and therefore must have the same orientation. In either case, however, have bear force back thrust bearing, still accord with Newton's theorem.
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