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Changshu smoothly for plastics processing plant to introduce difference of PE, PP, PVC plastic sheets

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic sheets are widely applied to the production of daily life play an important role. There are many types of plastic sheet, the application of places is also different, the following works of plastic processing factory in changshu to make a brief introduction of PE plastic sheet and the difference between PP plastic sheet and PVC plastic sheet.

the difference between three types of plastic board is mainly material differs character. PE plastic main material is polyethylene ( PE) , the main material is PVC PVC plastic sheet ( PVC) Sheet, PP plastic main material is polypropylene ( PP) 。 Due to the three plastic material differs character of the three characteristics of the plastic sheet have some different.

in general PP plastic board is light weight, high transparency, hardness is high. The PE plastic sheet non-toxic, easy coloring, good stability, cold resistance, radiation resistance, good insulation. Polyvinyl chloride or PVC, is polyethylene polymer. PVC as a kind of synthetic material, PVC edge significantly to acid and alkali resistant, resistant to moisture, corrosion resistance, not easy to burn. In the production of daily life, these three kind of plastic sheets are widely applied, the advantage is also different.

the continuous development and progress of construction industry, promote the development and progress of our country's plastic products. As people environmental protection consciousness to strengthen, plastic sheet industry also started developing in the direction of the green environmental protection. From PP plastic sheet to PE plastic sheet and PVC plastic board, plastic board industry is undergoing constant change. There is reason to believe that the future development of plastic industry will experience faster and more changes.
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