CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly for the reason of not uniform of analytical plastic pipe size plastic plant

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Often appear in plastic pipe manufacturing process of plastic pipe size will be as the production of plastic extrusion machine and uneven, sometimes the change is not easy to learn quickly. Changshu well below for the reason of not uniform of analytical plastic pipe size plastic plant.

the reasons of uneven plastic tube size of many reasons, we can go out to find out these problems, the first thing to find problems from the formula, some plastic formula is unreasonable, make plastic under the influence of the promoter can produce unstable performance make plastic extruder instability caused by plastic pipe extrusion instability when it is squeezed.

the second is to see whether the plastic extruder feeding gate except is accumulation of plastics or a foreign body wall into the plastic extruder die head pressure caused by insufficient to reach the plastic pipe extrusion instability.

the last is feeding extruder die head design is not reasonable to make the product in the die head caused by the instability in discharging time molding plastic pipe extrusion instability. There are many factors that can appear this kind of situation, so we have a problem to be good at analyzing problems, solve the problem to ensure that we are better for production.
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