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Changshu smoothly of plastic extrusion factory about what types of plastic corrugated pipe?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic corrugated pipe is divided into two kinds: one kind is completely airtight, watertight, one kind is with continuous winding, changshu smoothly for plastic extrusion factory here as an introduction to what types of plastic corrugated pipe.

  1. Classified by molding process

1) hydraulic molding plastic corrugated pipe: hydraulic pressure forming is the most commonly used plastic corrugated pipe forming method. Using the liquid pressure in the tube billet made tube billet bulging in limiting ring, along the ring until the yield to appear and then compress the pipe to the required length. Little more than the diameter of the plastic corrugated pipe using this method.

2. Rolling plastic corrugated pipe: roll forming process is mainly used for processing large plastic corrugated pipe, is relying on the forming of tube billet rolling wheel, can shan bo made form, some devices can also be a roll into a ripple.

3. Mechanical bulging plastic corrugated pipe: use inside the tube billet dilation is milled, swelling pressure into corrugated individually, inside and outside of the reoccupy after preliminary forming kun coining customization.

(4) welding plastic corrugated pipe: for excessive high or waveform wavelengths, special plastic corrugated pipe used more stamping welding process. When the wave height exceeds limit material elongation is not allowed to use the whole forming process, or because of waveform is used when forming is extremely difficult, also more complex whole welding. This kind of plastic corrugated pipe due to unable to bear the pressure is not suitable for flexible segment of expansion joint.

5) deposit forming plastic corrugated pipe: the process is the use of electrodeposition method to deposit bellows materials to core modules will then core mold corrosion. This plastic corrugated pipe material is a kind of very soft and pure nickel metal materials, and is without hole, so the ability of high vacuum and welding can be performed. Use this kind of bellows expansion joint flexible segment should not be, because the cost is high and nickel materials only.

  2. According to the layer classification

1) single plastic corrugated pipe: for under the static load displacement compensation corrugated pipe with single layer corrugated view, its easy fabrication and low cost. While ensuring the design requirements of bearing capacity, compensation amount, under the premise of stiffness and fatigue life, should first choose monolayer bellows.

(2) the multilayer bellows: for the effect of alternating load, or more important line, how to choose two or more layers of multilayer bellows. Compared with single layer under the same bearing capacity, stiffness is small, anti-fatigue performance.
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