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Changshu smoothly of plastic extrusion factory talk about polyethylene plastic plate edge

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Polyethylene plastic board is a kind of very important in life of plastic materials used in construction, this kind of plastic sheet in a few years ago are still very new type of plastic sheet but till now it has with excellent performance is widely used. The following works of plastic extrusion factory in changshu, said the use of polyethylene plastic.

ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plastic board of abrasion resistance and resistance to make it has a unique advantage in the chemical machinery. Adopts the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plastic instead of metal materials in the mechanical aspects of the application not only help these mechanical greatly improving the service life and also the cost is greatly reduced. This is all from ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plastic excellent physical and mechanical properties and avirulent insipidity, water absorption, adhesion, corrosion resistance of numerous advantages of light quality, etc.

in the food industry ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plastic also can be added to other compounds as modified additives to improve the effect of chemical properties. In the powder food, instant food and chocolate, sugar, fruit of plastic packaging tube road, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene sliding resistance and durability of the plastic material has been widely appreciated.

polyethylene plastic in the packaging machinery industry also has a great application market, the use of ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene plastic board wearability, since embellish and non-stick, has been to all kinds of plastic packaging and food machinery and canning line of success provides a variety of different shapes and structures of the spare parts such as bearings, roller, plunger.
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