CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly reach required for production of plastic extrusion factory introduced plastic accessories

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic is a synthetic plastic material, like a common PP plastic board is given priority to with PP plastic material, PE plastic board is mainly made of PE plastic, but in addition to these basic plastic material in the production of plastic sheet also need to add some other material, so that when the plastic molding can reach to the characteristics of works of plastic extrusion factory in changshu today with everybody to know about the plastic board production need to use the auxiliary materials.

like some plastic plate processing production industry needs require high strength and heat resistant performance, this needs to join in the plastic sheet production of some filler with such properties to meet the demand. Powder filler types are: wood, paper, asbestos, fibers and other materials can be used as plastics filler.

in the plastic plate in use process may have to endure the test of high temperature and high pressure, and the stability of the plastic material once affected it is easy to cause the service life of plastic plate is greatly reduced, so the plastic sheet production can also want to add guarantee stability of plastic structure stabilizer.

and in response to high temperature and high pressure, and so on and so forth requires the use of antioxidants & hellip; …

the above mainly to cope with the complex use of high temperature and high pressure conditions and the use of auxiliary materials, in addition to ensure that the appearance of the plastic board more perfect also would use the colouring agent, lubricant, etc.
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