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Changshu smoothly reach SuChang about plastic injection mould machine drum damage at 3 o 'clock

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion die is the most important parts of barrel, it is good or bad, for the material of plasticizing, products quality and production efficiency, have important influence. Barrel of the quality of work, it is decided by its manufacturing precision, assembly clearance. When the barrel is damaged, the use of mold production products yield decline badly. Changshu smoothly to squeeze SuChang below about cylinder damage the three causes of plastic injection mould machine!

why a, screw rotation inside the barrel, and the friction material, make the screw and barrel of the surface of the work gradually wear and tear, the barrel inner hole diameter increase gradually. Screw and barrel with diameter of gap, as both wear and a little bit more.

because of the barrel in front of the nose and shunt plate resistance has not changed, which adds to the forward extrusion material leakage flow, the material feeding direction from diameter clearance flow has increased. Make the material stay in the barrel time increased, the material break down. If it is polyethylene, decomposition of hydrogen chloride gas is used to strengthen the corrosion of the screw and barrel.

the reason of materials, such as calcium carbonate and filling material such as glass fiber, can accelerate the barrel of wear and tear.

why three, because the material does not have uniform plasticizing, metal object or a mixed in the material, will damage the barrel, it is a kind of unconventional accident damage.
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