CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Changshu smoothly to introduce plastic extrusion unit into a plastic plant

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic extrusion machine can produce many kinds of products, the role of the extruder are all have the effect of forming, is one of the critical equipment in the production. Then the plastic extruder is composed of what parts? Changshu smoothly reach below introduce plastic extrusion unit into a plastic plant.

plastic extruding machine is usually composed of plasticizing system, heating and cooling system, driving system and electric control system. Plasticizing system including extrusion molding die, screw barrel screw and other parts in production can be said to be part of the direct contact with the raw material was a key part of the extrusion molding. Heating and cooling system that is what we call the intelligent temperature control system, he play the role of regulating equipment screw tubes inside material temperature, average temperature control system is divided into several segments, each segment for raw materials processing is different, have cut section, as well as plasticizing parts. Temperature control system for the plasticizing processing of raw materials is very important, usually by heating, heating coil cooling fan for cooling to adjust the temperature of the screw tubes. The transmission system is provided by the reducer and motor and transposer these power components. Motor reducer to drive screw rotation in order to achieve the effect of power. Electric control part is commonly by a smart electrical cabinet to coordinate the operation of each system. The normal operation of the whole equipment is guaranteed by the flat of the system stable work, so every part is very critical.
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