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Changshu smoothly to squeeze SuChang introduce the main structure of plastic parts

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic sheet as one of the commonly used material in modern industrial field, annual output value has reached a higher level, be in the field of various industries in China using a wide range of important board base material, the following changshu to squeeze SuChang smoothly for everybody to make a brief introduction of main structure parts of plastic sheet.

plastic plate in simple terms is to use plastic sheet, plastic main ingredients for polymer compound, its shape style can be changed after processing. Plastic material to form is the use of monomer or condensation reaction of polymerization materials, lubricants, plasticizer, stabilizer, filler, pigment and additive such as resin as the main material structure, of which the main components of the resin is the most important.

in recent years our country increase the use plastic sheet production and processing of research work, obtained greater development, through the different processing methods and processing technology to the national industry standard requirements, to adapt to the use of various industries, has a more broad market application prospect.
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