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Changshu smoothly to squeeze SuChang share family plastic tubing method of choose and buy

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Families need a lot of chance to plastic pipe material, PVC plastic pipes, in particular, but also be used in many families. Family PVC plastic drain when the choose and buy, want to buy durable, of plastic tubing, long using time, and the performance is good, no one is willing to buy the plastic tubing in less than half a year or even a few months is broken, and then to buy, install, and so on. So how should choose and PVC plastic pipe material? Changshu well below crowded SuChang share household plastic tubing method of choose and buy!

first, health

water pipe discharge water, our human body health. Difference of pipes, due to long-term use, will produce countless bacteria, scale, etc. , the quality of the polluted water, once received by people, the consequences will be unimaginable.

2, reliability,

at present a lot of specifications plastic pipe material, such as PVC pipe specifications, PPR pipe specifications, to see if they are completely different from the plastic. PP- R pipe fitting with polypropylene itself characteristic, high temperature resistant performance limits its application, the temperature of the work usually not more than 70 degrees.
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