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Changshu smoothly under da plastic products factory to talk about how to select the profile of PVC plastic additives

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic is one of the material types in our life, and PVC plastic material is several aspects can be put to use, in the production process, we also need to add a lot of in the middle of the profile of additives, the following changshu smooth plastic products factory about the PVC plastic material additives!

such as impact modifier, for some need to vigorously or under a certain impact of plastic material, to join the impact resistance of modified additives is necessary, otherwise, the plastic material brittle hard brittle, easy to fold, not we want to shock effect, only after joined the agent, it can have a better endurance performance.

heat stabilizer, we all know that the PVC plastic material as a kind of typical composite material, the heat resistance of heat is relatively poor, but now many of the link, will produce some high temperature or ultra high temperature, want to play better effect, keep the original shape, you need to join the thermal stability of additives.

lubricant, why still need to add lubricant of plastic material? This is because the PVC will produce a lot of rough friction between molecules, thus making the density of the entire profile is not enough, difficult to reach the people want to be a smooth feel and sufficient density, and can effectively improve the lubricant.

plastic material can join additives in more than 20, depending on the materials needed.
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