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Changshu to squeeze SuChang smoothly about the working principle of plastics extrusion machine

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
The function of the plastic extruding machine is used to heat, pressure and shearing, the solid plastic melt into a uniform, and will melt into the next process. Melt production involves the mixture color masterbatch and other additives, blending resin and crushing process again. Finished the melt must be uniform on the concentration and temperature. Pressure must be large enough to the viscosity of polymer extrusion. Changshu smoothly to squeeze SuChang below about the working principle of plastics extrusion machine!

plastic extruder through with a screw and machine barrel screw knife to complete all of the above process. Plastic pellet by hopper into the barrel at the end of the barrel, and then through the screw to the other end of the barrel. In order to have enough pressure, the depth of the screw thread on the decline as to the hopper, for example, increased. External heating and the plastic screw due to friction and internal heat, make the plastic soft melting.

plastic extruder is usually at least consists of three sections. The first section, close to the feed hopper, is charging period. Its function for the material to a relatively stable rate into the extruder. In general, in order to avoid charging channels blocked, this part will remain relatively low temperature. The second part is the compression section, formed in the melt and pressure increase. Transition from the feed to the compressed paragraphs can suddenly can be gradually ( Flat) . The last part of the metering section, close extruder exports. Main function is the material of the extruder is uniform. In this divided into to ensure uniformity of composition and temperature, the material should be enough time. , at the end of the barrel of the plastic melt through an extruder head left, the nose into the shape of a ideal design, extrusion of melt flow through here.

another important part is the driving mechanism of extruder. Which controls the rotation speed of the screw, the screw rotation speed determines the output. The power needed by the polymer viscosity ( Resistance to flow) Decision. And polymer viscosity depends on the temperature and flow rate, with the increase of temperature and shear stress decreases. Extruder with mesh, impurities will stop on the screen. To avoid shutdown, mesh should be able to automatically change. When processing resin with impurities, such as recycle material, this is particularly important.
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