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Choose depends on the desks and chairs manufacturer at five o 'clock

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Safety is the premise of guarantee the quality of education, desks and chairs is essential for students to learn important partners. Fish beads mixed but desks and chairs market, more and more manufacturers, building quality is uneven, throw out. So how to find high-quality desks and chairs manufacturers? Chongda small make up for we summarized the following five:
the suitability of desks and chairs
the suitability of desks and chairs refers to the height of the height of desks and chairs and student mutual adaptation.
mix small factory production of desks and chairs for the requirement of the fitment is extremely low, a tall man sat low table, short table sitting height, easy to cause the user spine deformation, myopia, and so on, which affect the students' academic performance. Functional

desks and chairs in the practical functionality is not here refers to the appearance of the tank, such as hook, but the internal design of the desks and chairs and the joint of human body.
small factory small workshops without considering the body's physiological radian, so the desk and chair is the same as before, is straight, let the student sit tired, affect the learning efficiency, desks and chairs in the desktop should be set with the human body joint arc with the chair plate and design to the radian of back of a chair. Of joint human body, so as to correct posture, to achieve the effect of sedentary not tired.

safety of desks and chairs here refers to the safety of desks and chairs the safety of the raw materials, mainly plate, plastic products safety.
small factory small workshops using formaldehyde release a quantity to exceed bid sheet, plastic products, desks and chairs are irritating smell, making students have a headache, serious can be deadly.

the truth of desks and chairs here refers to the cost of desks and chairs the thickness of the raw materials.
small workshops small factory like in this respect, disrupt the market, caused many customers to increase the cost.
desks and chairs manufacturers qualification
small workshops small factory qualification is not complete, cannot provide any report about our product.
chongda plastic production of desks and chairs can be lifting design accord with human body engineering design; Desktop cant unique design with a groove, use high practicability; Various qualification complete, the product material safety; Continuous innovation, for universities to provide the high quality of desks and chairs.
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