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Choose the classroom desks and chairs?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
For students, the classroom is their second home, because in addition to the home, students stay time is in the classroom. Long. The classroom desks and chairs as the students close partner. In addition to eating and exercise, most students stay beside the table and chairs. Along with the children learning new culture, and accept new knowledge. , so to speak, it is to help children study and life has played a large role.
we used to think that homework can do it anywhere. Some children even lie on the bed, squatting on the ground. Not only easy to damage the development of cervical vertebra and spinal, but also cause serious eye disease or myopia. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a belong to children's own learning tool.

so what we should pay attention to when choosing tables and chairs?
children's tables and chairs must be healthy, environmental protection, durable. In fact, children's tables and chairs and other furniture, have all kinds of materials, such as wood, man-made board, plastic, steel, etc. These materials have their own advantages, but is based on the premise of strong and durable, of course, is the environmental protection. Important thing, after all, for children, the surface coating should not fade, easy to clean.
children study desk and chair must accord with human body engineering principle. The height of the height of the desk and chair should be suitable for children, age, size, etc. The height of the desk and chair can be adjusted at any time with the children's growth, help children healthy growth.
security principle. Any of the children's room furniture should be safe, children like to move. This is their nature. Inevitably there will be some turbulence. Therefore, children's furniture should be designed as a rounded, smooth lines, anti-interference, in order to ensure safety, avoid the harmful gas such as formaldehyde products.
with the improving of the level of education, there appeared in the guest room, multimedia classroom, medium school for students' growth. Small make up remind: whatever the school furniture, when choosing to buy must choose qualified manufacturers, not only can make a fashionable and beautiful, accord with school orientation of the product. And, more importantly, to ensure product quality, for students to build a safe and comfortable learning environment.
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