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Classification of injection molding processing and surface modification

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Surface of dry and wet state is divided into dry surface modification and wet surface modification. Dry surface modification includes surface mechanical modification, flame modification, plasma modification, vacuum plating, ion plating, etc. Wet the surface modification include solution processing, surface grafting, electroplating, spray brush, artificial and ion spraying and so on. According to whether to add other material surface is divided into did not increase and increase the two kinds of material.

reaction or not can be divided into physical modification and surface chemical modification. Physical modification includes surface mechanical modification and surface coating modification, surface vacuum plating, sputtering, injection and physical vapor deposition, and so on. This kind of modification does not react. Surface chemical modification including flame, solution treatment, discharge, radiation, electroplating, ion plating, graft polymerization, and so on. The modification reaction.

plastic flame treatment
plastic flame treatment modification is made specifically of burner, burning a certain composition and ratio of gas and air, formed a kind of high temperature oxidation flame temperature up to 2100 - 2800 ℃, and control the flame and the distance of the injection molding products processing, in the shortest time for instant high temperature treatment, so as to change a method of surface of plastic processing products performance. Advantages as easy operation, low cost, no pollution. Flame treatment shall not apply to film, thin wall products, such as, only suitable for surface treatment of thick wall products.

plastic flame treatment modification mechanism
1. Driven plastic products surface adsorption of low molecular substances, removal of surface oil, dirt and weak boundary layer and improve the surface wettability. 2. Flame is a kind of plasma, it has 5 ev electrical energy. Under the action of high temperature flame, plastic surface material has intensified and produce free radicals ion and reactive groups, and free radical reaction in the plastic surface, greatly improve the tension on the surface of the plastic, improve its printing and surface coating.

plastic surface solution treatment with plastic surface modification is said with a sort of physical or chemical effect and change the properties of the solution process of modification methods.

factors affecting plastic flame treatment
1. The composition and temperature of the flame. The flame temperature is higher, the surface treatment effect is good. Commonly used both gas to air and gas of 1:1, the gas flame temperature below 1000 ℃, treatment effect.

2。 The distance of the flame, the flame surface and the distance of the plastic injection tooling is not burned for the standard, the closer distance, the better.

3。 Processing time, processing time shoulds not be too long, too long cause decomposition reaction process on the surface of the plastic material is qualitative different, the time required for different.

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