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Composite improve the barrier property of plastic

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Composite improve the barrier property of plastic is an effective modification methods. The effect of blocking modification usually blending 20 times higher than normal, 10% higher than a laminar blending - About 40%. With blending is that same compound can be either 2 compound, can also be a multi-layer composite, multi-layer composite layer has grown to 10 layer composite, and the layer number, the more the better barrier effect. For composite good compatibility between two kinds of resin, can be directly compound; For the composite material with poor compatibility between the two kinds of resin, to join the proper glue layer.

composite layer, composite layer is thick and the composite layer barrier property, the better, the total barrier property of the composite material is, the better. Although single-layer barrier property of the resin is not very good, but after multilayer composite, it will greatly improve the barrier property. But generally between resin composite total blocking effect is not very good, only suitable for the occasion of barrier property requirements is not high.

general resin with medium cut off the outer layer of the resin composite way for general resin, and the inner layer of intermediate blocking resin. The majority composite layer of three layer above, and due to the compatibility of two kinds of resin is not very good, often need to add glue layer, so the total of three layers and five layers in the majority.

medium block resin with medium block resin composite way because of the compatibility of composite material is better, generally do not need to add glue layer. Also, because of the barrier property of the composite is better, so the compound layer is not high, common for layer and three layer compound.

plastic and aluminum foil composite polymer compound with metal materials, composite materials with high barrier property in aluminum foil and barrier property is very good, can be used in high-grade moisture-proof packaging, preservation and taste. Aluminum foil as the material of high barrier property, is used to cut off the aluminum foil composite requires less number of pinhole, and pinhole aperture as small as possible, often in front of the composite surface treatments of aluminum foil, to remove the aluminum foil in the injection molding process of residual oil, etc. Because of the compatibility of plastic and aluminum foil is not very good, glue that must be added, the variety of adhesive often for composite material USES different selection.

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