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Coupling agent

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
Coupling agent is a kind of inorganic material and organic material or different materials, through the chemical effect and physical effect, improve the compatibility of a small molecule organic compounds. With coupling agent to deal with powder filler, the two groups, respectively, by chemical reactions or physical action, a combined with packing surface, on the other side with resin winding or reaction, make the surface properties of markedly different packing good compatibility with resin.

coupling agent is a kind of important, application field increasingly extensive treatment agent, mainly used as additives in polymer composites. Coupling agent is the biggest characteristic of the molecular structure of molecules containing chemical properties of different two groups, one is inorganic groups, easy to react with inorganic surface; The other is a hydrophilic organic groups, which can react with synthetic resin or other polymer or generate hydrogen bond the dissolved. Coupling agent called molecular bridge, therefore, in order to improve the interfacial interaction between inorganic and organic compounds, thus greatly improve the performance of composite materials. Coupling agent used in rubber industry, can improve the products such as tires, rubber hose, abrasion resistance and aging resistance, and can reduce the dosage of NR, thereby reducing the cost.

the application of silane coupling agent is very broad, mainly has the following points. 1. Used for surface treatment agent, in order to improve the room temperature curing silicone rubber and metal bonding performance. 2. When used for inorganic filler filled plastic, can improve its dispersion, and adhesive properties. 3. Used as a viscosifier, increase cement in hydropower station with epoxy resin adhesive properties. 4. Used as a sealant, water resistance, high temperature resistant, weather resistance and other properties. 5. Used as one-component silicone rubber crosslinking agent.

silane coupling agent is the study of early application of coupling agent is also very early. Because of its unique performance and new product appear constantly, make its application field expands gradually, has become an important branch of organic silicon industry. In recent years, with the development of glass fiber reinforced plastic injection processing, to promote the research and development of various kinds of coupling agent.

granular or powder packing coupling agent solution impregnation are available, and then a solution with a centrifuge or filter press filter, then packing heating, drying and crushing. If reinforcement or glass fiber reinforced plastic composite materials used in the manufacture, the available method of continuous glass fiber or glass cloth impregnated coupling agent solution, and then drying, leaching resin, drying, reheat laminated glass fiber reinforced plastic version.

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