CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Ecological intelligence is plastic processing enterprises in the development of new ways

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Wen injection tooling/VIP

smart technology will bring great convenience to the development of the injection molding processing industry. In the future, lightweight materials in automotive, aircraft, use will be more and more widely in the rail transit; Ecology is the injection molding processing industry, processing industry a reflection of advanced molding technology, the industry has an important meaning; Clean production and ecology, energy conservation and emissions reduction for the plastic processing industry a new stage.

plastic industry as light industries is one of the pillar industries in our country, has remained at more than 10% growth rate in recent years. Plastic products industry, enterprises above designated size in the total output value in light industry 19 major in third place, product sales, 97. 8%, higher than the average level in light industries.

the current plastics processing enterprises status:
plastic processing enterprises is various on the current economy is not a good thing, in 2015, the plastic products in our country has entered a low period, single product structure, excess capacity, extensive processing has become the urgent problem. To solve this problem, must by innovation, green, circulation, low carbon development as the guidance, in order to protect the ecological environment, the governance environment pollution as the core, the scientific means to realize clean production, to prevent a repeat & other; Pollution, after first, governance, while damage & throughout; The mistake of. Development new directions:

1. Manufacturing technology and high technology integration
in the plastic industry cutting-edge technology constantly breakthroughs on the basis of studying the current key common core technology, efforts to narrow the gap between high and new production technology with the developed countries. Technology advancement speeding up will put more new features, plastic materials and plastic products to meet the requirements of the national economy.

digital and intelligent manufacturing technology of intelligent digital technology is the product innovation and manufacturing technology of enabling technology, and deep reform of manufacturing production mode and the industry configuration, is the core technology of the new industrial revolution.

3。 Lightweight, motors, clean production and ecology
lightweight technology will bring great convenience to the development of the plastics industry. In the future, lightweight materials in automotive, aircraft, use will be more and more widely in the rail transit; Motors is a reflection of advanced molding technology, plastic processing industry has the vital significance to the industry; Clean production and ecology, energy conservation and emissions reduction for the plastic processing industry a new stage.

4。 Plastic packaging, containers, lightweight
many plastic container, the supplier said the number of cosmetic companies showed a lot of attention to lightweight, especially popular personal care products, like plastic bottle or plastic jars of skincare products. Usually, compare with injection molding container, plastic bottle or plastic can achieve the goal of lightweight more easily.

lightweight plastic packaging can relieve people concern about environmental protection and sustainable development, more and more people choose to produce packaging better, faster, solid and weight reducing product packaging itself, when cosmetic wholesale sales products, every slightly reduce the dosage of resin on the package enterprises bring considerable economic benefit can be thought of, especially resin raw material prices under the condition of unprecedented progress, more and more enterprises of packaging lightweight makes strong interest.

in order to reduce the dosage of resin used in the plastic bottles or cover, injection molding processing and molding process needs to change, choose pick-up continuous injection technique instead of the back button injection technology, complete container cap injection molding process, mold in the center of the strip stripping, change the screw thread bottle cap, so that it can reduce the weight of the lid, achieve the goal of lightweight. To further reduce weight, packing plastics technology progress, as long as satisfied the needs of contemporary society, industry to develop further.

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