CSSSLD plastic product factory specialized in plastic injection, a professional plastic extrusion manufacturer and plastic injection factory since 1997.

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Groups are being made in plastic pipe industry standards

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Changshu smoothly da plastic products factory has learned that the China plastic (plastic pipe branch, according to data in 2016, China has reached 14. 36 million tons of plastic pipe production rose 4. 06%.

plastic pipe in our country the national standard is primarily by reference to international standards, after 20 years of development in China plastic pipe national standards system has been basically established, according to incomplete statistics current standards of plastic pipe industry in China has more than 700.

in 2017 China plastic association announced to attend the annual meeting of the branch of the plastic pipe branch & lsquo; Quality of strip steel reinforced polyethylene spiral corrugated pipe security alliance & rsquo; Unit list, means that our country plastic pipe & lsquo; Quality assurance union & rsquo; The model is further. Between members of the alliance to equipment and process improvement, monitoring, and the improvement of the quality assurance measures, such as collaborative technology to solve the existing technical problems products. Set up technical standards and self-discipline system, improve the quality of strip steel pipe products, advocate to establish market credibility, to take measures to supervise the fulfillment of member enterprises alliance product standards, promote the strip steel reinforced polyethylene spiral corrugated pipe industry's healthy development.
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