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Improved plastic transparency

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
There are many kinds of nucleating agent, can be divided into transparent nucleating agent and standard nucleating agent. Transparency as a nucleating agent, generally should choose transparent nucleating agent, sometimes also can choose standard nucleating agent, but we will strictly control addition amount.

add transparency of modified plastics is said in a transparent resin with small molecules, and then the method to improve the injection molding processing transparency, using this method can improve the light transmittance, refractive index, reduce birefringence. Adding nucleating agent is increasing the transparent resin light transmittance one of the most effective method. Nucleating agent is a kind of can promote the crystallization of small molecules. He can have the effect of crystal nucleus in the resin, make original jun each other nuclear heterogeneous nucleation, increase the crystallization system within the number of crystal nucleus, multiply the number of crystallite, reduced Numbers of spherulite, so that the crystal size and transparency of the resin.

the following are the main types of transparent nucleating agent class
sorbitol, such good nucleation effect of nucleating agent, faults for high temperature is not stable, easy to decompose, and generate stink, embossing and white phenomenon, not suitable for food packaging. Of phosphorus, the city and the effect of nucleating agent such as sorbitol is good, but good heat resistance, resistant to temperature above 400 ℃, and can be used in food packaging.

standard nucleating agent, nucleating agent to join such a large number of large, generally may affect resin transparency, choose carefully to determine when the addition amount. Adding nucleating agent method of modified resin are available for the crystalline polymer. The addition of nucleating agent and light transmittance changes into a parabola, began increases with the increase of light transmittance for the amount of nucleating agent, after reaching maximum transmittance, increases with the amount of nucleating agent instead of light transmittance. Mainly because the nucleating agent is too much, lower degree of crystalline size offset the effect of crystallinity increase, on the contrary make light transmittance.

add high refractive index inorganic substances, this aspect can be small, looking for information the refractive index, although large, but it will seriously affect transparency, cannot be used. Currently found in the PC to add into the direction of the chain and the direction of the branched chain polarization difference small dihydric phenol or fatty alcohol, etc. , can reduce the birefringence of the PC. Add an mist can eliminate transparent material condensate phenomenon caused by temperature difference, so as to improve its transparency, resistance to mist mainly for some surfactants.

process control as well as adding nucleating agent is the most effective method to improve transparency. The technology conditions had a greater influence on the transparency of mainly for processing temperature and cooling temperature. Plastic processing and molding processing temperature is lower, the original crystal nucleus residues in the melt more, have the effect of adding nucleating agent, crystal size smaller, so as to improve transparency.

mainly affects the spherulite size and crystallinity of cooling temperature, cooling the lower the temperature, the faster the cooling, melt quickly through the crystalline region, the lower the degree of crystallinity, the better transparency, the lower the temperature of cooling, the spherulite size is smaller, the more conducive to increased transparency, the cooling temperature. Orientation will increase the birefringence in the molding must be overcome, who is helpful to reduce the orientation factor, can lower the birefringence of plastic.

blending modified plastics transparency is said in the transparent resin mixed with other resin, so as to enhance transparency. The principle of blending to improve transparency with similar nucleating agent, blend also play a role of heterogeneous nucleation, reducing the size of the crystals.

more wonderful sharing: commonly used transparent resin, click directly.
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