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In the process of the injection molding processing need to pay attention to?

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
1, different raw materials, at the time of injection molding processing the required temperature is also different. Temperature is too high or too low would be a bad influence on the processing of raw material, the adverse effects on the finally finished product is made. For example if the temperature is too low, the liquid material color will produce some abnormal situation; If too high, the product in the production come out later will have burrs phenomenon, product quality can not meet the requirements.

2, need to pay attention to control cooling time in injection molding processing, the specific time need according to the specific circumstances to determine processing products. Injection mold processing to the brightness of the products that will have great influence, so be careful if you is a must.

3, at the time of injection molding processing also need to pay attention to the control of casting speed, in the tiny burrs if too fast will appear, but also leads to fill too full, and burned, and so on and so forth. If too slow will shrink phenomenon, and easy to fracture, and so on and so forth. So when pouring must pay attention to its processing speed control, make to produce the product quality meet the required requirements.
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