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Injection mold design and processing

by:CSSSLD     2021-02-03
A, injection mold processing ( 旋转
模具) Roll forming process of the method is to add the plastic mold, and mold along two vertical axis revolve and heated, the mould of plastic under the effect of gravity and thermal energy, evenly coated, gradually melt adhesive on the entire surface of the cavity, forming the shape of the required, to made by cooling. Second,
roll forming process compared with the traditional blow molding, injection molding process has the following advantages: 1, the cost advantage: the strength of the roll forming process requires only the frame to support material, mould and the weight of the frame itself, in order to prevent the mold closing force of material leakage; And materials in the molding process, in addition to the natural gravity, almost not affected by any external force, thus fully with the tools and processing manufacturing convenience, short cycle, low cost advantage. 2, quality advantage. Rotomolding technology products throughout the production process, due to no internal stress, more stable product quality and structure. 3, a flexible advantage. Rotomolding technology tools and manufacture is convenient, the price is low, so it is especially applicable to the new product development of many varieties, small batch production. 4, personalized design advantage. Roll forming process of the product is easy to change color, and can do the hollow ( No welding seamless) Can be done, on the product surface treatment pattern, the effect of wood, stone and metal, meet the personalized needs of consumers for goods in modern society. Third, with the production of the product range with the production of the products are: fuel tank, water tank, mechanical shell, fender, etc. The main object of alternative is metal and glass fiber reinforced plastic products. Four,
plastic injection molding is a process, is based on such as journalist on microfabrication techniques developed, of course there are many other methods. And journalist on a injection molding process is Mr Output model, also known as' mold, then liquid plastic perfusion in the mould, the last in the separation of the end products you need. Such as some plastic toys, too many products.

injection mold design problem: the venting is not good to solve the

exhaust of injection mold is a problem to be reckoned with in the mold design. The venting is not good, can cause many problems. Such as porosity, hole, burning, bubbles, surface crazing, weld line is obvious. Mold inner product set gas mainly has the following sources: 1, the feed system and the entities of the air in the cavity. 2, plastic containing water evaporation and water vapor generated at high temperature. 3, plastic decomposition gas generated by the
. 4 reflect certain volatile or chemical additives, plastic in the generated gas inclusions in 5, feed air and moisture! Basic design points can be summarized as follows: 1, the exhaust to ensure the rapid and complete, exhaust velocity corresponds to a mold filling speed; 2, exhaust slot open as far as possible in forming part of the rubber parts thicker; 3, exhaust slot should be open as far as possible in the parting surface; 4, exhaust slot should as far as possible at the end of the material flow and confluence, such as the end of the cold slug well; 5, in order to mold manufacturing and mold, convenient and exhaust slot should be located in die side as far as possible; 6 and exhaust slot direction should not be towards operating surface, to prevent leakage of material when we do the injection hurt; 7 and exhaust slot should not have * Angle, to prevent the accumulation of cold; 8 and exhaust slot size must be appropriate, General thickness in the 0. 2 - 0. About 3 mm) , choose according to the needs of specific materials and products processing, try to avoid causing flash. Common forms of exhaust are: 1. Exhaust slot or hole and exhaust 2. Parting surface exhaust 3. Spell insert aperture exhaust 4. Push rod thimble or exhaust 5. Burn combined with gold powder exhaust 6. Set the exhaust rod forced exhaust 7.
application of vacuum exhaust machine, to take the initiative to exhaust, fully the effect of the exhaust. 8. Mould, vent plug and other exhaust exhaust steel
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