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Injection mold design putter design considerations

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Plastic mold production and processing is to add plastic abrasive in first, then continued abrasive along two vertical axis rotation and heating, the structure of the plastic under the effect of force and energy, slowly and symmetrically sizing, melt all the surface adhesion in the mold core, forming as necessary, to refrigeration shapes and making.
1, plastic mold of the pendulum rod side holes (with the other holes Contains the calibration play Huang Kong, inclined guide pillar hole, hole, pin hole, swinging rod guide pin hole hole and cooling cycle, etc. ) Be maintained at 2. 5 mm spacing.
2, swinging rod and the swinging rod fixed plate together take unilateral gap of 0. 5 mm.
3, swinging rod and template together take unilateral gap of 0. 5 mm.
4, all swinging rod using the standard size, swinging rod head can not sink to the pendulum rod fixed plate.
5, swinging rod and insert guidance hole according to H7 / f7 to cooperate with each other, but in the injection molding processing PA, LDPE and PP, the swinging rod and the swinging rod interaction hole gap must be less than 0. 02 mm, or it will cause burrs.
6, packed all rocker, rocker fixed plate must be independent can slip away, can not have a binding condition.
7, all the swinging rod and the swinging rod fixed pitch one-to-one correspondence, and do well the logo, in order to prevent the upside.
8, all swinging rod forming position of slope or cant shall transfer, to avoid the installed backwards.
9, design plastic mold swinging rod parts, excluding provisions to abundant energy, the mold to ensure that the plastic parts can also be parallel surface out of the mold.
10, swinging rod can be divided into two categories: the hard rocker rocker and nitriding.
all hard rocker refers to: the intensity of surface is 65 - Internal strength of 50-74 HRC 55HRC。 Swinging rod refers to:
nitriding surface strength after nitriding is 65 - 74HRC。
11, when the plastic ratio or tilt the mold is very big, the plane design should go out to the center line of the smaller picture and setting swinging rod is not easy to mistake like that. When the plastic has a big circular arc Angle, plane design should go out to the center line of the smaller picture and setting swinging rod is not easy to mistake like that. When the plastic parts have a large circular arc Angle, plane design should draw arc break out, as the edge of swinging rod parts.
12, swinging rod is far away from plastic edge can not be, also not the etheric nearly.
13, swinging rod as far as possible on the plastic bottom, prevent into the top.
14, be sure to be in plastic slopes add swinging rod, due to the slope on the pole and plastic parts is very easy to drag, and release force greatly reduced due to dissolve. On the rocker inner hole above to do three small ladder, to enhance the release force, rocker on also to turn.
15, deep cylinder ( Column invasion in 8 mm) As far as possible in the bottom of the column and beam, not only injection effect is very good, and can improve the exhaust pipe, conducive to the melt filling, in view of the short column, in the next to add two swinging rod, the bottom of the column is must add the exhaust pipe pole is depends on the details.
16, when the wind force of plastic parts the fixed mold and more than on the dynamic model ( One side of a swinging rod) Wrapped tight force, swinging rod can be grinding on into 'Z' form and use of vacancy on the stripping of the condensate to ensure that the mold plastic parts until there are on one side of the group, but the installation of swinging rod 'Z' shaped openings bearing must be consistent, and unified downwards, with convenient plastic parts removed from the swinging rod. At this time of the pendulum rod is also called 'support bar'.
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