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Injection mold processing and several problems should be paid attention to

by:CSSSLD     2021-01-23
Injection mold processing is a complicated process, the mid-term involves several professional knowledge such as physics, chemistry, so we need to pay special attention to, otherwise carelessly, can produce a lot of defects, which affects the normal efficiency of plastic processing. There are some problems in the process of injection mold processing is the need to pay special attention to? The following south Asian teda plastic injection mould is to introduce the injection mold processing and several problems should be paid attention to.

the injection speed

how fast injection speed has an important influence on the final product appearance quality. Injection velocity needs to regulate commonly within unit time how much oil cylinder oil injection.

the molding cycle

that which contains the injection time and product cooling time, the effective control of the time have a profound impact on the quality of the product. Double color in the production of plastic injection mould manufacturer before we should through the sample style clear product molding cycle, and other methods.

nitrogen-treated barrel temperature and melting temperature

melting temperature can measure at the nozzle or the use of air injection method to measure, the melt temperature of the melt flow plays a main role performance, plastic without specific melting point, the melting point is a segment of the temperature of the molten state. Both the temperature control for the product quality also plays a vital role.

the molten plastic injection pressure

plastic in the process of full of mold cavity is faced with a large resistance, which makes the injection pressure directly determines the size of the product appearance, size, weight, density, etc! Affect any of these factors then the product will be scrap. This is need double color injection mold manufacturer according to the product of combination of engineers to reasonably define injection pressure control.
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